
All of this starts at the moment you go shopping. Shopping smart is the beginning for better health. What you don’t buy or bring home you can’t eat. There you have your choice, it can become a lower weight shopping basket, or a lower blood pressure or an anti arthritis shopping basket etc. These are our choices, everything has a beginning in life, such as good health, bad health, and how we manage it. Most of the time these are our own choices. It is known through numerous researches that food can become our medicine and food becomes our healer.

But there is also another link to a healthy body – your mind, because mind over matter matters. That’s right, your mind. It’s called the mind-body connection. In a nutshell, what you believe in your mind can influence things in your body. Anxiety can make any illness worse or is even the starting point of it. Anxiety can make pain feel worse, lower defences and immune system that allows any virus or illness take hold and can aid in raising your blood pressure. A simple act of relaxing can do wonders for your health which is all part of the mind and body connection.

Combination Of Health And Well Being

Using the power of positive thinking and relaxing techniques including healthy eating will certainly help with any treatment of illness. Because of high depletion in food it is more important now than ever before to make the right choices when it comes to your diet. Your body can only stay healthy when it gets all the right nutrients it needs and all of that comes from the food we buy and prepare. But you may say: I’m taking my vitamins every day. Which are totally useless if your diet isn’t right in the first place. The body’s health reacts from many things which include all the minerals and vitamins that must work with each other; one or two on its own will have no positive effect.

The many fast foods which have become a quick, lazy and cheap way to have a meal does not give the body what it needs to stay healthy. Denying your body the right food that includes good nutrients for a long time will without any doubt become a serious health issue. To have a healthy body means having a diet rich in many mineral and vitamins every day and not just on occasions.

Medical research has discovered literally thousands of healing nutrients in foods. One type of phytonutrient found in vegetables has been known reducing cancer and other illnesses by as much as 44 percent. Many vegetables contain a substance called carotenoids; as well beta carotene, lutein and lycopene are all different varieties of carotenoids. They all have a strong amount of antioxidants that help the body fight disease.

Case Histories Of Remarkable Healing

Nature provides us with its remarkable healing power. Unfortunately, in many cases this been ignored not only because of disbelieve but more often because of lack of knowledge. There always be different opinions as well as disbelieves and wrong information. Many people continue to suffer from misguided wrong advice over the last several decades and still leading to poor health today. Some unscientific bureaucrats still have this backward stance that healthy food could have the power to prevent a number of chronic diseases, as well as obesity.

Although there is overwhelming scientific evidence that just the opposite is the case. It comes down to what you eat; you can trace every disease and illness to a mineral and vitamin deficiency. Even at the lowest level of deficiency in various nutrients will alter your body’s immunity and blood levels. The problem here is it has become harder to select a nutrient rich diet. The quality in our vegetables and fruits has reduced on average around 40 to 50 percent since the seventies because depletion of soil and the use of artificial fertilizers.

The healing powers are found in different vitamins and minerals such as zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium; these are just some of the many our body needs a percentage of every day and not just some times. Using supplements to overcome any shortfall, select carefully, many being made from synthetics and not natural ingredients.
