
Writing your own articles is undoubtedly the best and cheapest website promotion you can use to brand yourself as an expert on your field, boost your sales and profits, get free advertisements for your products and services, promote affiliate programs, improve your page ranking, and generate the traffic that you desire.

Here are the 6 huge steps to breakthrough with article writing:

1. Offer your readers valuable information. When online users decide to open your articles, they are expecting to be informed or gain additional knowledge. Make your articles good sources of information by presenting all the data that are needed by your potential readers.

2. Improve your grammar and vocabulary. When you read articles that are free from any kinds of error, you are most likely to look up to the writer as it is obvious that he spent his previous time perfecting the articles to give you a great reading experience. This can result to continued patronage of his articles or even the products that he offers.

3. Never advertise on your articles. Save your marketing speeches for your resource box and make your articles content-rich and useful to your potential market. Remember, the idea here is to educate the readers first before you pitch in your products.

4. Eliminate fillers and fancy words from your articles to make them more concise, direct to the point, and short.

5. Identify the elements of a great article and incorporate them on your copies. Great articles have these following characteristics: they are well-written, short, scannable, direct to the point, content-rich, search engine-friendly, and free from any grammar, spelling, and factual errors.

6. Be confident. Present your ideas with strong conviction so your articles will sound more believable. Eliminate words that mirror uncertainty as these can make your readers doubt your expertise.
