
Do the masses accept celebrity clothing lines? With Sophia Vasquez for Kmart, Kardashians for Kohl’s, it’s the new norm for an average movie/musician artist to collaborate and launch their own collection. Whether it flops or blows off the shelf it leaves one to wonder where is the direction of fashion is going? Is it better to wear Kardashians for Kohl’s over Zara or Express? Are we buying it because of the celebrity name or design and quality? Do we as consumers even respect a merger such as with Wal-mart, Target, and Kohl’s?

It is safe to say department store shopping has evolved over the last ten years. Department stores are trying to keep up with trends, prices, and competitors such as H&M, Forever 21 and above all else sales. With their private labels maintaining respectable sales, it leaves the consumer baffled and at a lost when they collaborate with celebrities for a fashion line. As a consumer, we have a certain pre-judged assessment about a celebrity. The advertisement campaign can have Jennifer Lopez, but when J.Lo introduced Sweetface in 2008, for example, it became a different story. Critiqued, lack-luster design and poor sales left a bitter face with Kohl’s who called off production and ended the joint venture in 2009. Madonna’s line transformed Macy’s junior department complete with construction crews, and floor moves only to be reduced down to a few racks a few seasons later. What’s the difference between Sarah Jessica Parker’s forgotten “bitten” versus Jessica Simpson’s phenomenal accessory and clothing empire? Ashley & Mary-Kate Oslen has proven themselves within the tween market with Wal-mart while Kardashian’s for Sears received staggering reviews.

Consumers are judging the new revolution of “designers” but at what cost. Celebrities are trying to market themselves for their overall image, brand and bottom dollar revenue. With the turnover rate extremely high within fashion, the industry leaves lines closing doors before it even launches regardless if you’re a celebrity or not. So with department stores investing their time, design teams, money, and marketing campaigns to brainwash the consumer about the new celebrity line for back-to-school sales – it leaves one to wonder why buy? Some customers actually steer clear of celebrity labels and merchandise and stick to specialty store brands only. It doesn’t impress people in this day and age. Others at least test the label for quality before coming to a conclusion.

Whether you follow your favorite celebrity to depths end complete with merchandise, fragrance, movies, CD’s, and tweets or only noticed the Miley Cyrus take over in aisles 5 through 10 at Wal-mart during a back-to-school sale – each season you make a choice. New artist test the tolerance of fashion every day. Are they innovative enough for you to purchase or does the sound of wearing a fleur-de-mar makes you cringe?
