
Not a day goes by, and I do mean not a day, when I’m not asked, “How do celebrities stay so thin?” The answer to this is long overdue and sure to rattle more than a few cages.

Over the years I’ve worked with many Hollywood types and the reality is, either they, or someone who pays their bills, have nearly unlimited financial resources to pursue their goals. They are not working real jobs or pursuing studies. They are devoted entirely to looking the absolute best they can in the shortest time possible. They are prepared to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. They hire a nutritionist, a masseuse and a personal trainer. Nannies and nurses care for their kids around the clock. Assistants do their shopping and other errands. When I am hired to get someone in shape for a movie or a photo shoot, the environment takes on that of a training camp, similar to a boxer in preparation for a championship fight. Everything we do is laser focused on helping the client lose fat, define muscles and create a vibrant look that will sell movie tickets or magazines. I’ve been known to train some clients six hours a day for a month or more.

It’s an awesome environment to be around and one I always look forward to joining, but the reality is, it’s not reality. It’s an artificial and temporary world created by publicists, producers and directors all with so much on the line. Done correctly, this “training camp” can help a celebrity transform themselves in only a matter of several weeks. The results can be seen all around us in magazines, entertainment shows and coursing through the internet. One day a celebrity will look very average and just a short time later they appear to be a totally different person. I will not name names, but I’m sure you’ve come up with a few already. There is such a transformation going on right now and in a matter of weeks, you’ll be unable to escape the photos and video images of this celebrity as they make the rounds announcing the arrival of “My New Body.”

If you have the money and the time, you can do this as well. But the facts on the ground state that most of us can’t do this. Jobs, school, kids and bills all vie for your attention.

There is also the “gray” area surrounding all this that doesn’t get talked about often.

Celebrities have access to almost every type of “supplement” under the sun. They range from mild appetite suppressants to potential lethal doses of metabolism boosters. These pills are thrust towards them by handlers, preaching endorsements from other celebrities, touting the “miracle” effects of these pills. As I only write and speak from experience, I’ve taken many of these pills over the years, partly out of experimentation, mostly from ignorance and stud pity. I made a pact several years ago to swear off these products, even as far down the chain as protein powders and energy bars. The results are less quick, but longer lasting and immensely more gratifying. And obviously the health benefits are clear.

My regimen now stands at this:

Tablespoon of Olive Oil in the morning.

Tablespoon of Fish Oil at midday.

Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar before bedtime.

Want to look and feel your absolute best? Give yourself a year or two, follow my advice and you can reach your goals. Forget the celebrities and visualize exactly how you want to look. Sketch out an image, make several copies and post them up around your home, put one in your car, another at work. A year seems a long time, right? Imagine ten years from now, reminding yourself that it only took one dedicated year to get into the best shape of your life. A year doesn’t seem so long now.

Get moving people. And I’d love to help you. Send me an email and tell me your story.

[email protected]

