
Do you ever find yourself thinking, “If only I could find a partner, someone to love me, have my own ‘true love story’ then I’d feel more fulfilled, whole, and happy.”

If you recognize those thoughts, if you identify with them, then I’d like to let you in on a secret, one that will take you toward that true love story of your very own…

The truth is, no-one else can ever make you feel whole. I know, it sucks hearing this but it’s true. No matter who you find, they can never make you feel complete. No relationship can make you feel permanently, perfectly fulfilled.

“Well then, what will?” I hear you asking.




It’s sad but true these days, isn’t it, how the media is constantly bombarding us with reasons to feel not good enough.

Pictures of impossibly perfect models (male and female) are forced into our vision at every opportunity. Television and movies give us images of ‘perfect’ relationships, ‘perfect’ couples, and ‘perfect families’, YES, even true love stories that may not be true. Everywhere, marketing is subtly implying that if we were only richer, smarter, more beautiful, or had this or that, we would be more likely to find our perfect match, our own true love story.

It’s all geared to – why haven’t YOU found your true love? What’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with them?

We KNOW it’s only media – it’s only marketing – it’s only hype. Yet even so, this line of thinking can get into your mind and begin to undermine your confidence – BIG TIME.

Then it’s easy to start blaming yourself if your love life isn’t going as well as you’d like – or blaming all those potential partners. It can be a disheartening and a depressing cycle, don’t you agree?

Please take heart – we come into contact with people everyday who are completely happy with their relationship and they tell us of their true love story. It isn’t that they are any more special than you, they’re not. It’s just that they either stumbled on an idea that worked for them or they had someone give them the right and encouraging directions. Exactly the same as us. Without that help maybe we could never have found each other.

Would you like to know a way to un-cover more of the magnificence of who you truly, ALREADY are? The person who can not only be a happy individual but create a true love story of your very own?

What would it mean to you to discover your own, unstoppable sense of completeness, satisfaction and self-worth?

How would it feel to confidently go out into the world each day, in the certain knowledge that you are a truly valuable person with wonderful attributes to share with the world? Well it is not only true that you are these things but they are ALL achievable.

And there’s more…

Along the way, would it be appealing to draw to you, someone who perfectly complements the fully-rounded person you are realizing yourself to be? That special someone who can complete your true love story!

You will KNOW, deep within you, that the right one for you is seeking you, just as you are seeking them. You will be content to be patient, certain that when they find you, they will love you for who you are… and you them.

Would you like to get more insight into this subject and hear about our own true love story? Would you like to know how to attract your own true love, your own perfect match?

Then why wait?
