
Bouncing back from a cold by consuming more alkaline foods and health drinks can give you an energetic fresh start. This year’s cold and flu season seems to be hitting harder than usual. The good news is that when it’s over, your body is cleaner, leaner and should function better, assuming you don’t start piling in the junk again. Here is a good way to get back your energy and create better health than you had before the cold hit.

First, let the cold run its course. It is really your body’s way of eliminating toxins that have built up over time. Don’t try to stifle the runny nose and coughs with antihistamines or other drugs that only delay the inevitable. If you slow the process down, then you are only prolonging the pain, and you may not get the full benefit of a natural cleanse. In my experience, a good, cleansing cold lasts about 7-10 days. Think of it as a natural cleanse. Then, get more out of the recovery with alkaline foods and natural health drinks.

When you feel like the cold is starting to disappear, you will probably feel that it is time to start some fresh, new healthy habits. One of the best things you can do after a cold is develop healthier eating habits. A good way to do that is by including more alkaline foods and health drinks in your diet. This means, consume more foods that form an alkaline ash in the bloodstream after they are digested and burned for fuel.

  • What are alkaline foods that help you bounce back from a cold?

Think about fresh fruits and vegetables, natural foods that are lower in animal protein, health drinks without sugar or artificial sweeteners and food grade herbs, not medicinal herbs.

  • Some of the more common acid forming foods can be caffeine, chocolate, beef, pork, fish, alcohol, soda, even beans and rice.

Experts recommend that your daily alkaline food intake should be about 80% of your diet, compared with only 20% acid forming foods. The theory is, and I think it does hold water, that it is harder for illness and disease to take hold in a more alkaline environment.

Through a great deal of research, and personal experience, I have discovered numerous health benefits with more alkaline foods in my diet. By maintaining that 80/20 ratio, I have experienced fewer arthritic pains and digestive problems. Also, by adding health drinks that are less acid forming, I feel better knowing that my body has the tools it needs to work on other issues such as eliminating toxins, rather than constantly struggling just to maintain internal pH balance.

So, the next time you are recovering from a cold, take advantage of your cleaned out system while taking your health and fitness to a new level. Get your energy, stamina and power back with a fresh boost. Search the Internet to find natural alkaline foods and health drinks for pH balance. Begin incorporating more of these into your life while avoiding so many acid forming foods and you will feel the difference.
