
The authorities finally caught up with the infamous “Barefoot Bandit” in the Bahamas… but here is 5 reasons he will be buying a nice pair of shoes. We all love a good story and for two years Colton Harris-Moore gave us a heck of a yarn while managing turn himself into modern day folk lore with his Houdini like evasion of authorities. After avoiding police for over two years, they finally nabbed the Barefoot Bandit (yes he was actually barefoot when they caught him) after a high speed boat chase in the Bahamas yesterday.

While they say crime does not pay, in this case it may. Colton has amassed over 60,000 Facebook supporters over the past two years and it looks as though he is going to be able to buy himself a nice new pair of shoes in the end. Here are five reasons why:

1. Harris-Moore’s crimes were not violent or serious in nature: While Colton is infamous for the grand nature of his thefts, from nabbing $600,000 Cessna airplanes (and flying them with little aviation experience) to highjacking just about every vehicle Consumer Reports covers… none of his crimes have been violent in nature. He has not physically harmed any of his victims. This has largely help feed his lore. In the end, Colton is looking at a large stack of larceny, burglary, theft and evasion charges (Nebraska has issued an arrest warrant). However, his theft of boats, cars, and small planes keeps him well out of the league of the world’s criminals that eat liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

The list of Colton’s latest alleged crimes include the following:

June 1st: Astoria, Oregon – stole boat and car

June 9th: McMinnville, Oregon – stole car

June 10th: Ontario, Oregon – stole car

June 18th: Yankton, South Dakota – stole car, reportedly broke into a house ate food and showered, homeowner caught him, Colton escaped

June 20th: Norfolk, Nebraska – Colton caught on surveillance tape, police say he stole another car and committed several burglaries including a restaurant and theft at an airport

June 24th: Dallas City, Illinois – police recover car believed to have been stolen by Colton

End of June: Danville, Illinois – police report Colton stole car he then drove to Bloomington, Indiana

July 4th: Colton believed to have stolen Cessna Corvalis from Monroe County Airport crashed off coast of Abaco

July 5-7th: Search for Colton Harris-Moore Continues in Bahamas. Includes FBI and Bahamian Police

2. Harris-Moore had a tough childhood: By all accounts, Colton had a miserable childhood. The product of a alcoholic mother and father, Colton became a skilled outdoorsman spending a great deal of time in the woods to the north of Seattle, in Pugust Sound. His mother has often stressed how difficult his childhood has been over the years and in fact Colton’s spree started with his escape from after sneaking out of the window of a Juvenile detention centre over two years ago. Any judge or jury will surely take this into consideration.

3. Even some of Harris-Moore’s “victims” are pulling for him: After John Miller had his $600,000 Cesna swiped by Colton, folks urged him to Google the “Barefoot Bandit”… so he did. Friends told Miller to Google Barefoot Bandit. “And up pops this little baby face of a young kid that looks like he’s 12-years-old.” Miller said he started to soften up. He read Colton had had a hard life, with an alcoholic mother and father. He remains angry but also wonders how the kid pulled it off. Bottom line… if Miller’s own victims soften on the kid, it’s likely as judge or jury will as well.

4. Harris-Moore already has well known competent legal counsel: It was not long after his arrest before the Barefoot Bandit had a well known, competent entertainment lawyer by his side. Who needs a hefty retainer to plop down when the publicity this case will garner is all O. Yale Lewis (A Seattle entertainment lawyer who has represented the likes of Courtney Love and the family of Jimi Hendrix) will need to plunge head first into this case. Have no fear as it seems the Bandit is in good hands with his defense.

5. Let the entertainment deals begin to flow: Part of the reason Harris-Moore’s mother obtained O. Yale Lewis is because the entertainment deals are already flowing. Colton’s mother, Pamela Kohler says she needs an attorney to handle her “entertainment” interests, and she said a deal for a book about her son is in the works. Given Colton’s popularity, the book deal is just a stepping stone to larger deals, interviews and likely a movie about his exploits.

In the end, telling his unique tale to the right people are finally going to get the Barefoot Bandit a nice pair of shoes.
