
A very unknown factor is that drinking water can dehydrate you. If you know this data you can avoid the problems associated with dehydration.

Dehydration Symptoms

Dehydration can manifest in so many different ways. This makes it vital to know what the symptoms are.

Most people know, when they’re in the heat outside, that they’re getting hot and usually compensate with some kind of liquid. However, there is an unknown and hidden source of dehydration that most people don’t even know about. Spending excessive time in air-conditioned or heated rooms – even airplanes – are an even bigger source of dehydration.

What most people don’t realize is that the job of air-conditioning is to remove moisture from the air and it does a good job of that. That’s why air-conditioning and heating are a problem. They suck the moisture out of you because the human body is the biggest moisture-carrying object in the room.

You can test this by placing a bowl of water in an air-conditioned or heated room and see how many hours or days go by before there is no water left in the bowl.

Below are symptoms of dehydration but it is vital to understand that drinking too much water worsens dehydration.

Some Symptoms of Dehydration:

  • extreme thirst
  • fuzzy thinking
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • sinus problems
  • metabolism problems
  • aggravated asthma or chest complaints
  • sore throat
  • allergies
  • coughing
  • headaches or migraines
  • colds and ‘flu
  • sneezing
  • excessive sweating
  • excessive urination*
  • blood pressure issues**
  • achy muscles
  • dizzy or light-headed
  • tired/fatigued
  • lacking energy
  • can’t sleep
  • nervous, can’t relax
  • depressed
  • feel upset or tearful
  • appetite loss
  • urine, dark-colored
  • cold clammy skin
  • dry mouth
  • skin flushing (not blushing but redness in other body parts)
  • dry skin
  • heavy-headed
  • racing heart
  • increased body temperature
  • headaches – mild to extreme
  • tingling of the limbs

*Excessive urination: If you hold a very dry sponge under the faucet and open it, the water basically just runs straight through with very little getting into the sponge. This is a simple example to explain the phenomena of cells being so dehydrated that the water just runs straight through. The water just goes through you, much like the water through the sponge. What this does is take minerals and other water-soluble vitamins with it. This just worsens the dehydration problem.

**Blood pressure: The adrenals are responsible for contracting and relaxing the blood vessels that lead to the heart, thus they are involved with controlling blood pressure. In order for them to carry out this function, they need salt, potassium, calcium and magnesium. If they have an adequate supply of these minerals, they can do their job.

Symptoms of Severe Dehydration (Urgent Medical Attention Needed)

If anyone is showing any of these symptoms don’t mess around but get them to an emergency room fast. Severe dehydration can lead to death.

  • confusion
  • vision dimmed
  • difficulty breathing
  • seizures
  • chest and abdominal pain
  • unconsciousness
  • muscle spasms
  • racing pulse
  • shriveled skin

Believe it or not, unrefined sea salt is the solution. You can watch a short video/slide show at the link below to get the full explanation. This information is vital for everyone to know.

There is more information to be viewed at this link that will go into this in more detail. The purpose of this particular page is to list out the main symptoms of dehydration.

Dehydration is dangerous!

This isn’t predominantly because of the damaging effects it creates, which do present some danger.

It is more because of the way dehydration mimics other illnesses and how trying to treat them as such illnesses can only worsen matters, leading one farther from resolution and put one at-risk for more intense health issues and malfunction.

In other words, not recognizing dehydration as dehydration only exacerbates the dehydration.

Besides drinking too much water, there are other factors that dehydrate you.

Drinks: Some of the big culprits that cause dehydration are things we drink that pull water out of the body, such as:

  • Caffeinated drinks, such as tea or coffee.
  • Caffeinated and/or carbonated sodas.
  • Juices high in sugar.
  • Alcohol.
