Dad raising £100,000 for cancer treatment after insurance company REFUSES to pay

A father-of-two is trying to raise £100,000 to fund potentially life-saving cancer treatment abroad after his insurance company refused to pay.

Mark Bryant, 39, said he had hoped his life insurance would cover the cost of the immunotherapy treatment he is currently receiving in the USA to treat his acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

But he says his insurance company has refused to pay, insisting other forms of treatment are available to him in the UK.

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Mark, who is married and lives in Rhos-on-Sea, was first diagnosed with the disease in June 2015 and ended up having a stem cell transplant using his brother as a donor.

He said: “I was diagnosed in 2015 when I had the most horrendous lower back pain, and ended up on morphine in hospital.

“I was told my bloods weren’t right and further tests revealed I had cancer.

“It’s a very rare disease at my age and chance of survival was only 50%.”

During the treatment he wasn’t allowed to see his two little girls Amber and Ella, now aged eight and six, for four weeks until his immune system recovered.

Unfortunately, despite the treatment Mark relapsed in April 2016 and had to undergo chemotherapy and a second stem cell transplant. After two bone marrow biopsies he was given the all clear again.

“March and April were extremely challenging times for myself and the family,” said Mark.

“We had to stare reality of the cancer in face. I researched night and day and learnt that the life expectancy is only six months for a patient that has a stem cell transplant and an early relapse.

“My relapse was in April 2016, so I am extremely lucky to be sitting here now.”

But in February of this year, Mark and his family received further devastating news that he had suffered a second relapse.

He said: “We had to make a quick life-saving decision. My cancer is a fast progressing disease and an overt relapse could occur rapidly. If that happened, getting it back under control will be difficult and would require more toxic treatment.”

Mark sought a second opinion from an oncologist in Florida, who advised he opt for a less invasive form of treatment called immunotherapy, which is less damaging to the immune system.

But because he cannot claim on his insurance, his family have been burdened with finding the £100,000 cost themselves.

Mark, who is currently in Florida undergoing the treatment, said: “I have four weeks left here on treatment and have to pay for it in full before I leave.

“It will massively relieve the financial pressures on my family if I was able to raise the funds via a Crowd Funding Campaign .

“I have never asked for help before and feel extremely vulnerable as a man and father writing this.”

He added: “I have to remind myself that it isn’t about me, it is about Fiona, my wife, and Amber and Ella.

“I’m very lucky to have such three beautiful girls in my life, and I’m determined that I will continue to be here for them.”

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