
Many people are just now finding out about the dangers of parabens. In this article I’ll explain dangers of parabens and answer the question are parabens bad. Then you can decide for yourself.

Parabens are chemical preservatives such as methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl parabens that are found in many skin care products and cosmetics. You will not find parabens in organic skin care products. The National Organic Program will not allow any product to be certified organic that contain parabens.

With that in mind here are 5 facts you need to know about parabens parabens:

Fact #1-Parabens mimic your body’s own hormones and can disturb the action of your endocrine system. They cause harm to just about every bodily system such as your thyroid, ovaries, hypothalamus and the male reproductive system.

Fact# 2– It is a well known medical fact that breast cancer is stimulated by estrogen. Estrogen can be stimulated by absorbing parabens. This is one of the big dangers of parabens and just that alone should make you stay away for products containing parabens.

Fact# 3– Parabens enter your bloodstream when rubbed onto your skin. In fact you receive higher concentrations from rubbing it onto your skin than you would from drinking it! It could up to 10 times the amount! When you think about how lose weight, stop smoking, and birth control patches work this makes complete sense. After all they don’t have you drink those things!

Fact# 4– If you are prone to sensitive skin parabens can cause allergic reactions and skin rashes. Many skin care products claim to be safe for sensitive skin yet they contain parabens. Even in small amounts the use of parabens over a long period of time can cause serious skin problems.

Fact# 5– If that’s not enough to convince you of the dangers of parabens, then consider this. If the skin care product you are using contains parabens there’s a very high likelihood it also contains other harmful ingredients such as mineral oil, alcohol and fragrance which is a real bad ingredient.

The term fragrance can mean up to 4000 different chemicals. Many of them are toxic or cancer causing. I challenge you right now to pick up a tube of any skin care product you are currently using look at the ingredients to see if it contains any parabens or harmful ingredients mentioned in this article.

In conclusion, are parabens bad? Yes they are very bad. The dangers of parabens are very real, and you need to take action now and stop using them now. You want to switch to skin care products that are made with natural plant based organic ingredients. Most natural plant based organic skin care products are now coming from New Zealand. Never buy any skin care product on TV or from a magazine until you find out exactly what’s in it.
