A lot of tasks we have been making continue from pre-civilized world to present. Entertainment is the most important component of these. We love entertainment because we got it inborn. When human beings stayed far away from the magic touch of civilization, the entertainment was existing then. There have been significant changes in the types of entertainment over time. Many of these no longer exist. Even if they do, people keep looking for newer forms of entertainment.
Civilization has built up in different processes in different places in the world. That is why we can see the variation among entertainment in countries of the world. Basically, variation can be seen among cultural celebrations, sports and wearing entertainments. Such as when Brazilians celebrate Samba dance, then Indians do Nritto. When Americans are busy to stage a play, then Bangladeshis are staging Jatra Pala. When Spain is trembling with football fever, then Pakistanis are playing cricket. But now-a-days the difference is decreasing very fast because we are making a global village. And we are enjoying band music, pop music, cricket, football, satellite TV, computer games, etc. altogether by forgetting our eastern-western situation. Specially, sports has become a great source of entertainment today. Football, which used to be the most popular spectator sport is gradually being replaced by cricket as a form of sports entertainment.
Entertainment is now a common part of our life. Because it makes our life enjoyable, increase our work-speed. But gradually, it is going to be dependable on electronic media, and younger see mostly violence based film. These are weaving away the younger generation from our cultural heritage and eroding our moral values. Their impact on the younger generation is particularly disastrous. Is it possible to suggest ways and means to the nation to find a way out?