
In the 21st century, mass media and communication are increasingly playing a vital role. Business enterprises are connecting to their customers and stakeholders more than ever before through traditional and social media. Companies are utilising contemporary forms of communication to share information, news and opinions. Let’s see the essential functions of mass communication.

Sharing news and information

Sharing news and information about local and global events is one of the primary functions of mass communication. While Facebook and Twitter are known as social networking platforms, they are also vital outlets for news. Firms are increasingly using social and traditional media to reach a large audience and engage readers. With the latest tools, customers feel connected and informed.

Opinion Discussion

Discussion of opinion is another essential function. Mass media shape the opinion of the audience and through social media, one can involve in interactive discussions. The audience is exposed to various viewpoints and shape their own opinion. Features in newspapers and magazines bring in-depth analysis of an event that further shapes one’s opinion.


Surveillance relates to the constant flow of public information about the events occurring across the globe. TV networks, magazines and newspapers across the globe gather information and present them in a cohesive manner. Surveillance can be further divided into:

· Warnings regarding threats from weather changes, cyclone, etc

· Updates about new products, recipes, stock market behaviour, etc


Interpretation is closely related to surveillance. Nowadays, communicators have realised their responsibility to provide reliable and correct facts to prevent undesirable consequences. Today communicators not only provide information about events but also their ultimate meaning and significance. Analytical articles, panel discussions and documentaries perform this function.

Cultural transmission

Mass communication is equally important for cultural transmission. People engaging through forums, blogs, newsletters, etc are developing relationships that weren’t possible earlier. The media present role models that people imitate and feel inspired. Diverse communities are virtually connected even when they are physically apart.


It is one of the most obvious functions. In the past, entertainment functions were fulfilled through interpersonal interaction. Today with people getting more leisure time, the need for quality entertainment has gone up. Through various shows on TV and radio, people can relax and enjoy time with their friends and near and dear ones. One can directly post videos and creative works on video sharing channels like YouTube and Vimeo.

The entertainment value remains one of the core functions of communication.
