Fancy riding Bodnant Garden ice cream bike as a summer job?

Bodnant Garden will stage a recruitment open day tomorrow to find extra summer staff for its catering team – including a job riding an ice cream bike.

The stunning National Trust gardens in the Conwy Valley have boomed in recent years with visitor numbers up from 150,000 seven years ago to nearly 250,000 in 2016.

This has seen an increase in catering workers to staff the five outlets they now have at the gardens.

Now to deal with the summer surge another 10 workers are needed to join the team.

Want to work at Bodnant Garden? Click here for the details.

Duties range from waiting on in the Pavilion cafe to riding a bike selling ice cream around the gardens.

General manager William Greenwood said they now have 30 staff in the catering team and 60 in total at the gardens.

He added: “The need for more staff is down to the success of the gardens over the last seven years.

“As we have opened up more of the garden we are getting more and more visitors. We have just had our busiest April ever and hope to break the 260,000 mark for the year.

“This is a great success story and because of this we need more staff, which is good for the local area.

“There are a variety of jobs on offer across the five catering outlets we now have here. They include a role riding the ice cream bike around the gardens which would be a lovely job for someone over the summer.

“There are those who come for the summer who go on to work here permanently.”

■ The Open Day takes place at the gardens on Thursday (May 4) from 10am to 4pm.

Anyone interested should come along to the pavilion tearoom next to the car park, and ask to see the catering manager.

See the job details online at .

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