
Using one’s web connection and email program to send and receive faxes is growing in popularity with both individuals and companies. Why has this relatively new technology grown so swiftly? There are many reasons, but for the sake of brevity, we will narrow it down to four main reasons.

Cheaper Costs – Using an online or Internet fax service or provider is much more cheaper than going with a traditional fax system. Mainly because email fax is a paperless system so you will save money on papers, inks, toners and even the cost of purchasing/running a fax machine. Everything is done over the web via your email account and web connection. Monthly costs can run from $5 to $10 or even a little less if your faxing demands are very minimum.

Easy to Set Up & Use – Since your online fax number and service is through the web, set up can be done in minutes. With most fax providers you can even “port” your current fax number over to these services, so there is no loss in business. Using an online fax service is as easy as using your email. Once you sign up you’re given a local or toll-free number and an online account where you can login to read or send all your faxes. Once you receive a fax, an email is sent to you with your fax attached – usually in a Tiff or JPG file. Most services also have Apps which can be placed on your desktop computer or in your smartphone.

Green Solution – Given today’s dramatic weather patterns and extremes, everyone is becoming aware of the damage we’re doing to our environment. Online fax is often seen as a green solution because it’s a “paperless” system which will save countless trees from being harvested. Then one also has to take into account all the saved energy from NOT having to produce all those papers, inks, toners and fax machines. Plus the energy we save from NOT having to run a fax machine 24/7, 365 days of the year.

Overall Integration – Even taking into account all the valid reasons above, perhaps the overriding factor in the popularity of online fax has to do with integration. Internet fax is digital, and we now live in a digital world. All your faxes can be easily stored online or in all your computer gadgets. They can be easily retrieved with a few clicks of the mouse, regardless if the fax was received yesterday or last year. Plus, all your vital faxes, can be shared with all your employees or sales force so everyone can be on the same page. In addition, online fax is completely mobile and can be used anywhere – especially when you consider it can be easily integrated into smartphones, tablets and laptops. Your company can be open for business around the clock and accessible from anywhere.

These are four good reasons why you or your company should at least consider an online fax service. It’s a lot cheaper and much easier to use than traditional faxing. Plus, a web “cloud based” system can be totally integrated with all your computers and smartphones within a matter of minutes. This is a “paperless” green solution whose time has definitely arrived – but like all business decisions, it’s your call.
