
Running is one of America’s fastest growing sports. With this boom in popularity has come an explosion in the verity of gear available. While this panoply of gear is great for the seasoned veteran, people who are new to the sport can easily become confused. This is particularly true when it comes to the latest running shoes. This article will explain what you need to look for to make sure that you get the best shoe for your particular needs.

Footwear for this sport can be divided into four different groups: cushioned, stability, motion control, and minimalist. The cushioned type have the most cushioning and the softest underfoot feel and offer minimal arch support.

These models use gel, foam, and other lightweight materials to protect the foot from impact. Cushioned models work well for bigger runners as well as runners with low arches or who overpronate. Examples of popular footwear of this type include: Nike Lunar Glide 2, New Balance 730, and Saucony Triumph 8.

The second type is the stability category. These models corrects overpronation through providing arch support. This type of shoe works well for lighter runners with normal to low arches and limited overpronation. The most popular models include Brooks Adrenaline, Asics 2160 and Mizuno Wave.

The motional control category has maximum arch support in order to prevent overpronation. These models are recommended for runners with low arches and severe overpronation. Popular models include: Brooks Beast 8, Asics Gel Foundation 9, and Saucony Progrid Stabil CS.

Recently, minimalist footwear has become very popular. The minimalist type offers very little in the way of arch support or cushioning and are designed to let the feet work as if the wearer were running barefoot. The idea behind this category is that, by allowing feet to work harder and move more naturally, they become stronger and runners can run faster and become less injury prone. Popular forms of this category include the Vibram Five Finger, Nike Free Run, and Newton Running Gravity. Studies are still being done to determine whether or not this footwear really protect runners from injury.

So how do you know which of the latest running shoes is right for you? First you must determine what type of pronation you have. If your feet roll in excessively at the ankle as you walk you overpronate and probably need stability or motional control models. If your feet tend to roll out as you walk, you underpronate and would probably benefit from cushioned shoes. This is also true for people with normal pronation. People of all pronation types can try minimalist shoes, but it is suggested that you start off slowly to give your body time to adjust to the impact forces.

If you have a specialty sports store in your area, you may benefit from having a fitting done by a specialist. They will measure your arch, pronation type and foot strike pattern in order to help you choose which of footwear is best for your individual needs. Good luck on your new sports ventures.
