Labour Aberconwy candidate hits out at 'media attempts to undermine her complaints of sexual harassment' with private party pictures

A Labour Party candidate has hit back at some press coverage she received yesterday after she publicly revealed she’d been sexually harassed on social media.

After speaking to the Daily Post about the abuse, the story was swiftly picked up by the likes of The Sun and The Mail amongst other nationals.

Emily Owen, 22, says that during the past few days since she announced she was standing in Aberconwy, she has been asked about her bra size, with one man writing: “I’ll only vote for her if she’s got a decent rack for me. Anyone know her size? I mean she’s pretty enough but haven’t seen much of her body yet.”

Another man wrote “How many votes for a striptease?”

But instead of being portrayed in a sympathetic light, Emily believes some of the nationals decided to “undermine” her instead which she described as “disappointing”.

The Mail and The Sun printed the story with pictures taken without her permission from Facebook, one was taken when she was an 19-year-old at a party where she was pictured wearing a police woman’s uniform.

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In a statement Emily said: “The pictures that some papers used were from nights out when I was 19. I wasn’t in a business meeting, nor was I talking politics – and I did not supply the newspapers with these images.

“Nevertheless they chose to undermine my experience, rather than deal with the fact that some men can write such aggressive comments to a young woman with no accountability. This is disappointing.”

She continued: “The comments I received from men are not acceptable and the abusive comments relating to speaking out have been equally unacceptable.

“I am a young woman who has put her head above the parapet and stood up for what I so passionately believe in. No one deserves to be shot at for calling out such disgusting behaviour. I knew entering this what I was letting myself in for publicity wise – but I did not agree to sexual assault threats.

“I knew that it was likely people would try to silence me when I spoke out about this behaviour – I did not agree to receiving messages about how I would be silenced. I knew what attitudes I would have to face – but I did not agree to accept them.”

Emily said despite the bruising media coverage from the national press, she will continue to call out sexism and revealed she has received many messages of support including from other political parties.

She said: “I won’t be silenced because sexism is not okay! I have had wonderful support cross-party about this and I am grateful for the support from both men and women.

“For now, it’s back to my campaign and discussing the exciting policies that we have.”

Public sector union UNISON has also condemned the abuse Emily has received and the press coverage.

Margaret Thomas, UNISON regional secretary said: “Online sexist abuse of ordinary women and girls is a daily occurrence and it is not acceptable under any circumstances. These people have no right whatsoever to demean a woman who wants to be a voice for local people. This wouldn’t happen if she was a man. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to insult.”

UNISON went on to criticise some media coverage of the story describing it as “hypocritical” and said it demonstrated the “double standards” facing women in public life.

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