Local election results: Independents hold onto Wrexham Council

It was Independence Day in Wrexham last night at the local elections.

They held the majority of the seats after the electorate cast their votes yesterday capturing 25 seats – three down from before the election – but still the largest majority.

The Conservatives were the other winners almost doubling their seats from five to nine.

At the start of the last term Labour were in power, but lost it after the party fractured in two following an internal row.

The breakaway councillors turned independent and formed an alliance with the Conservatives and other independents to take over the helm.

Labour, who were hoping to make inroads, failed to increase their share and remained on 12 seats.

Wrexham constituency
Wrexham constituency

Plaid Cymru gained one seat ending up with three councillors.

The Lib Dems lost three and found themselves with just two seats.

One new councillor did not disclose their alignment.

The new local authority is looking likely to be an independent led alliance.

The last council leader Mark Pritchard retained his Esclusham seat.

He said: “We are delighted with the result.

“Labour were hoping to make inroads, but failed.

“We will look to work with anybody for the good of Wrexham.

“Last time it was an alliance with independents and Conservatives and we will look to work that way again, but talks need to be held.”

In a months time the nation goes to the poll again, this time to elect a UK Government.

It is still unknown how Wrexham’s local election results will translate into the General Election on June 8 and whether Labour’s Ian Lucas and Susan Elan Jones can hold onto Wrexham and Clwyd South respectively, with the Conservatives looking to displace them.

But with the rise of the Tory vote in Wrexham they will have a fight on their hands to hold on.

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