Man jailed for setting up £44,500 cannabis farm in Anglesey bedroom

A man has been jailed for setting up a cannabis farm in the bedroom of a house, which had a potential yield of £44,500.

Police found more than 100 cannabis plants growing when they raided the property at Capel Coch near Llangefni last June

Officers also found 50 seedling plants in the kitchen and there were three cannabis plants in the garden a judge at Caernarfon Crown Court heard.

Jamie Jones, of Cleveland Crescent, Holyhead admitted a charge of producing cannabis, a controlled drug of Class B, and was jailed for 30 months. The 35-year-old also admitted a charge of possessing cannabis.

Sentencing Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke said: “I am satisfied these offences are so serious that only an immediate custodial sentence is appropriate.”

His girlfriend, Lisa Roberts, of Council Houses, Capel Coch admitted a charge of allowing production of a controlled drug and was ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.

The 26-year-old was also made the subject of a two-year community order.

The court heard police had executed a search warrant at Jones’ home in Holyhead but he wasn’t there.

“They found traces of cannabis and drug related parerphenalia including digital scales,” she said.

Enquiries led officers to visit Roberts’ home in Capel Coch and found Jones there.

During a search they found the drugs growing in a plastic covered booth in the bedroom.

The set-up was described as extensive taking up most of the room.

Ffion Tomos, prosecuting, said experts estimated the potential yield of the plants at between £14,800 and £44,500.

Both Jones and Roberts were arrested.

At interview Jones said he was a cannabis user and was not involved in supplying drugs to others.

Roberts said a man she would not name had repeatedly asked her if he could grow cannabis in the house. She said she had played no part in the cultivation of the drug, Ms Tomos said.

Barristers for both argued any sentence imposed could be served in the community.

Elen Owen, for Jones, accepted her client had previous convictions for supplying drugs but argued a community-based sentence would allow work to be done to address his offending behaviour.

Lloyd Morgan, for Roberts, said she had acted “foolishly” and pointed out she had no relevant previous convictions.

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