Men who brawled after Euro 2016 match gave Caernarfon a 'bad name'

Two men who drunkenly brawled after a Euro 2016 football match were accused of giving Caernarfon a “bad name” by a judge.

Meirion Lloyd-Williams, and Aled Price-Jones admitted their part in the incident which happened at the Pool Street bus station on July last year and left a third man with a broken jaw.

They were part of a larger group out celebrating Wales’ 3-1 quarter-final win over Belgium earlier that evening when a fight broke out.

Prosecutor Gareth Roberts told Caernarfon crown court that one of Price-Jones’ friends, Arwel Rees-Hughes. had been in Pool Street earlier that evening and had been involved in “friendly banter” with Williams and had then left.

“He (Mr Rees-Hughes) returned shortly afterwards and was involved in an altercation and Williams threw one punch hitting him in the face knocking him to the ground.

Meirion Lloyd Williams, of Bro Waun, Waunfawr near Caernarfon
Meirion Lloyd Williams, of Bro Waun, Waunfawr near Caernarfon

“Price-Jones then punched Williams once to the face causing no great injury but knocking him to the ground,” Mr Roberts said.

Mr Rees-Hughes later went to hospital and doctors found his jaw was broken in two places and needed surgical treatment.

His mouth, the barrister added, was wired up for several weeks and he was unable to open his mouth and it affected his speech.

Sentencing the men, Judge Niclas Parry said: “This is the kind of alcohol fuelled, street violence which gives Caernarfon a bad name and people are fed up with it.”

He handed Williams, 36, of Bro Waun, Waunfawr near Caernarfon, who admitted a charge of wounding, a 12-month prison sentence but suspended it for a year.

Williams was also ordered to pay £1,000 compensation to his victim and contribute £500 towards costs.

During the next 12 months Williams must also carry out 300 hours of unpaid community work.

Aled Price Jones arriving at Caernarfon Crown Court
Aled Price Jones arriving at Caernarfon Crown Court

Price-Jones, 22, of Marcus Street, Caernarfon was given a 12-month community order and told to carry out 40 hours of unpaid work.

Sion ap Mihangel, for Williams, said he accepted his part in the incident and had admitted to the charges at the first available opportunity.

He accepted Williams had a similar conviction for violence dating back some 14 years and had a more recent conviction for his part in a serious drugs conspiracy but argued any sentence could be suspended.

Mr ap Mihangel said Williams was highly regarded in his employment and in his community.

Ffion Tomos, for Price-Jones, said her client had “completely misread the situation”.

He had believed Williams had punched Mr Rees-Hughes for no reason but now accepted this was not the case.

She also argued any sentence imposed on Price-Jones could be served in the community.

Suggesting the two men shake hands and leave the dock as friends the judge concluded the hearing.

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