
So you have decided it’s time to lose weight, and just like everything else in life, you want it to happen right NOW. We live in a society that thrives on immediate gratification – fast food, fast cars, fast service, and now we even make purchases on the Internet so we don’t have to stand in a line. And in keeping with the usual pace of our lives, most of us even want to lose weight fast!

But there are some basic tenets of weight loss that must be observed, even when you want to lose weight fast. You have to forget about dieting and learn to concentrate instead on healthy eating habits. Cutting back on calories alone doesn’t give your body the nutrition it needs to maintain a fast metabolism and keep your energy high.

On the other hand, by eating food dense in nutrition and low in calories, you won’t be as hungry, you give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs and you have the energy to walk past the donut table in the middle of the afternoon. And finding these foods isn’t as difficult as you might believe. Did you know you can eat as much raw fruits and vegetables as you want without fear of gaining weight?

Exercise is another important factor in losing weight, getting healthy, and having more energy. As much as you may think you hate exercise, just keep in mind that you aren’t training to compete in the Olympics. Instead you are just trying to increase your metabolism and burn a few extra calories. Try using the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away so that you have to take a few extra steps, or fit a 30 minute walk or other exercise programs into your schedule each day.

Remember to rest too! Many of us are busy from the time we get up until the moment we go to bed. Sometimes finding the time to eat or exercise can be a challenge. But cutting back on sleep will only sabotage your efforts to lose weight.

Shoot for 7-8 hours a night. Some people believe they can make do on less, and although you’ll be awake studies have shown that you’ll grab more snacks in an effort to jump start your brain and keep yourself awake. Lack of sleep also adds to your stress level which releases hormones known to pack on the pounds. It is nature’s way of protecting the body.

And for an added boost to your weight loss efforts, try incorporating these natural weight loss drinks into your diet every day.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar is a very powerful natural appetite suppressant if you can get past the taste, which is pretty bad. But, because hunger tends to be the biggest road block in your efforts toward effective weight loss, you may need the aid of appetite suppressants such as apple cider vinegar, at least until you get into the habit of eating less.

You can rely on prescription weight loss pills, but Apple Cider vinegar is 100% natural so it is a much safer alternative to the drugs. Three tablespoons of the vinegar mixed with eight ounces of water and drunk just before your meals will give your metabolic rate a boost and you should feel more energetic throughout the day.

Green Tea Weight Loss Tea

I think most everybody must have heard about the great health benefits of green tea by now, especially in regards to weight loss. Most weight loss supplements these days contain green tea, and for good reason. Not only is it loaded with antioxidants, but the active ingredient in Green Tea, Epigallocatechin (EGCG), is very valuable in boosting fat burning processes such as thermogenesis and fat oxidation in humans.

Green tea weight loss drinks can be purchased most anywhere that other bottled drinks are sold, but you can also brew your own fresh. If the taste of green tea is not to your liking, try it with lemon juice and honey.
