
Writing and selling an ebook is one of the most profitable ways to earn money online. With a lot of online users looking for fresh content every single day, you surely won’t run out of potential clients. Just make sure that you choose a topic that you are deeply passionate about and it should have viable target market. Here are the latest 3 methods that you can use to make more money with ebook writing:

1. Record your thoughts. Sometimes, great ideas hit us on the most unexpected places and time. Before we can get a hold of a pen and paper, the ideas already slipped our mind. To prevent this from happening, I suggest that you always carry a tape recorder. This tool can also help you while you are writing your ebook. Instead of creating a draft, why not record the content of your ebook? It would sound more spontaneous once you write it and you can be sure that you won’t miss great ideas or points.

2. Write several short ebooks. For sure there are a lot of things that you are an expert on. You can convert each expertise in a short ebook to come up with several written materials that you can sell. Just make sure that all your ebooks are well-written and contain all the information needed by your potential clients.

3. Promote your ebook. Once you have finished your ebook, ensure that you make your potential clients aware of its existence. You can start by writing a compelling press release. Then you can utilize PPC advertising, article writing, and forum posting. Remember, the success of your ebook largely depends on the quality of its online exposure. So advertise incessantly so you can sell some more!
