Rail union raises safety fears over unmanned Flintshire level crossing

Rail unions have expressed concerns over an upgraded level crossing in Flintshire that will be unmanned and controlled from Cardiff.

Earlier this month The Daily Post highlighted problems at the crossing, currently manned by three men, at the bottom of a private road in Tyn y Morfa, Gwespyr.

Caravan park owner Peter Birtles complained that holidaymakers, guided by satnav errors whilst looking for nearby Presthaven Sands, were getting stuck at the bottom of his private lane.

He fears cars and caravans could get stuck trying to turn around and end up being hit by a train.

Mr Birtles is calling for bigger and better signs on the A548 which runs past his premises, Abbey View Caravan Park, to direct traffic to the right turning.

In response Network Rail said that obstacle detection technology on the new unmanned crossing would control the gates and signals, making it safer than before when the changes come in next year.

However, now they say the new system and the old are basically the same although the person manning the gate is 174 miles away.

A spokesman for the RMT union said: “Network Rail try and portray this as like an air traffic control system.

“The principal of having eyes and ears on the ground are long gone, whether that’s Cardiff or Mumbai.

“We are familiar with it and we have raised concerns with Network Rail.

“This is one we would want to bring up with Network Rail and look in detail at the proposals – so there’s no danger to the safety of the general public or any of our members.”

According to Network Rail under the new system the operator in Cardiff receives an alert by way of an audible alarm and automatic CCTV picture switch on that a train is approaching the crossing and starts the sequence of closing the crossing to road users.

A spokeswoman for the company said: “Only when the system has confirmed the barriers are fully down does the signaller check the crossing area is clear before clearing the railway signals for a movement over the crossing.”

If barriers are obstructed the operator can see via CCTV cameras and change signals to stop the train advancing.

The spokeswoman added: “The system operates in the same way whether this is monitored locally by an attendant or remotely over CCTV by an operator.

“The CCTV control point is within the main signalling operations area of the Wales Railway Operating Centre (WROC in Cardiff) and from March 2018, following commissioning of the new signalling equipment, will then be staffed by a qualified level crossing operator from the WROC.

“Both MCB and MCB CCTV crossings are in the highest category of level crossing protection systems.”

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