Stena Line chef suspended after admitting grooming underage girl

A chef on Stena Line has been suspended from work after he admitted grooming an underage girl.

Neil William Evans, 31, of Holyhead , appeared in Caernarfon Crown Court last week and pleaded guilty to three charges of grooming and one of sending an indecent image.

His case has been adjourned for sentence until May 30.

Evans works a chef on board Stena Line and the company has launched an internal investigation.

The Daily Post understands Evans tried to board a ship on Wednesday – not realising he was suspended – and he was told not to or the police would be called.

A spokesman for Stena Line said: “Stena Line can confirm that Neil Evans is employed by the company as a galley-based on-board chef.

“It is our understanding these allegations are relating to incidents that occurred outside his employment and place of work.

“However, given the nature of the allegations, the company does take the matter very seriously and Mr Evan’s has been suspended whilst we carry out a detailed internal investigation.”

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