Finding Tory Burch designer handbags at true wholesale prices for resale purposes can be work. The online market is huge and the potential to make a big profits selling celebrity handbags is great. You need a find a supplier who has a proven track record of quality, pricing and accurate contacts. If you’ve done any searching in Google to find legitimate designer handbag wholesalers, then chances are you only came up empty-handed or have wasted money on worthless, so-called wholesale lists.
Tory Burch is an attainable, luxury, lifestyle brand defined by classic American sportswear with an eclectic sensibility, which embodies the personal style and spirit of its co-founder and creative director. It was launched in February 2004 as a lifestyle concept with multiple product categories, including ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes and jewelry. Going against the minimalist trend that was popular at the time, Tory designed her flagship boutique, in downtown New York, to feel more like a room in her own home.
Tory Burch handbags include clutch bags, satchels, messenger bags and shoulder bags. Additionally the varied collection of handbags is fairly affordable. It’s no secret that the designer handbag market is extremely lucrative; and are one of the most sought-after items by women. However, you probably know that finding legitimate wholesalers of designer handbags is not easy, to say the least! If you have purchased or are thinking about purchasing those “wholesale lists” that are being sold on eBay and other websites, let me save you some hard earned money…these lists are a total SCAM!